A holiday for slothful people: Do not worry about getting bored even if you don't leave the house

FPT News , 05-26-2021 08:00

There is no need to travel, there is no need for crowded appointments, and lazy people can still find joy in their homes during these holidays.With 4 days off on the occasion of April 30 to May 1 of this year, there are loads of exciting things you can do at home, instead of crowded places, or spending tons of money on travel trips.

 Morning: Reward yourself sleep like a log

If you had to wake up early to go to school or work for the whole year, then there was nothing better than sleep in on this holiday. Take a break from all your deadlines, homework and get asleep around the clock without worrying too much. However, it would help if you did not grill until noon but wake up at around 9 or as late as 10 o'clock. Sleeping too much will sometimes make your body sluggish, tired, and unable to enjoy the rest of the day.

The way to start the day with the most energy is to listen to the music you love. With the Music application on FPT Television, you can easily choose a list of songs according to your emotions, moods, such as Relaxation, Yoga, Energy, Practice, Café…

 Noon: Enjoy homemade dishes

Even if you don't know how to cook, it doesn't matter, because nowadays, there are many cooking video tutorials on the Internet. With videos and cooking programs on FPT Television, in the section "COOKING TET," viewers can follow many different series led by famous people and chefs. The most special one is the reality TV show "What to cook today", lasting 30 episodes with many different dishes, bearing the culinary characteristics of many cultures worldwide.

 Afternoon: Karaoke with friends

Letting a group of friends have the same free time is not easy, especially for working people. Therefore, this is an excellent time to invite the whole gang to the house and sing together. With the Karaoke application on FPT Television, you can freely choose the best standard beats of both old and new songs. You are no more spending much money on karaoke rooms outside, as you can now open theaters at home.

Evening: Watching movies

During holidays, hunting tickets online or queuing for hours to buy movie tickets in theaters is a nightmare for many people. To limit this situation, let the movie store in FPT Television's Feature Films application be your companion, bringing the most impressive and attractive movies. With all genres from blockbuster movies to series, from horror, action to drama, romance, all are exceptionally fully updated on FPT Television's movie store.

Readers can access https://truyenhinh.fpt.vn/ to find out more information about FPT Television.


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